arhs Yachts International
arhs Yachts International

Become a member

You can join the ARHS or you can join ARHS and the American Rhododendron Society in a combined membership.

1. Atlantic Rhododendron and Horticultural Society

Fees are $30.00 from September 1st through August 31st.  Membership fees are due in September of each year.  We are encouraging members to renew promptly due to the problems it creates for volunteers who manage membership, plant sales and email lists. Thanks for your understanding!  

Annual dues to the Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticultural Society (ARHS) are due in September.  

Membership Payment

2. ARHS and the American Rhododendron Society

Please consider taking a joint membership with the ARHS and the American Rhododendron Society (ARS).   Members receive the ARS Journal (a 60-page glossy magazine) four times a year. You are entitled to attend national and international conventions. The ARS offers an extensive seed exchange, a pollen bank, and a reduced-rate book store.  The ARS membership is an additional $54 Can ($40 US). 

ARHS is a chapter in District 12 of the American Rhododendron Society.
For additional information on ARHS benefits see ARHS Benefits.
Combined Membership: ARHS/ARS – $84.00 (ARHS $30 + ARS $54 = $84)

If you are already a member of the American Rhododendron Society and wish to join the ARHS as an associate member, please contact our chapter directly.

Membership Payment 


Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticulture Society (ARHS) Membership

The Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticulture Society (ARHS) offers these benefits to you: 3 issues per year of the Atlantic Rhodo E-Newsletter (option for additional charge for a mailed paper copy); programs and information exchange at monthly (September to May) meetings; plant sales; cutting exchanges; ARHS Seed Exchange; open gardens; and workshops.

Life members of the Rhododendron Society of Canada are automatically members of ARHS.

ARHS is a chapter in District 12 of the American Rhododendron Society (ARS).

American Rhododendron Society (“ARS”) – ARS District 12 Membership

Members receive the ARS Journal four times a year. You are entitled to attend national and international conventions. The ARS offers an extensive seed exchange, a pollen bank, and a reduced-rate book store.

This membership also includes all the benefits of membership in the Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticulture Society (ARHS).

*All information such as name, address with postal code, e-mail address and telephone number are used for organizational purposes only.