In 1976, with two passionate plants men – the late Don Craig and the late Captain Richard Steele – as founding members, we began as RSCAR, the Rhododendron Society of Canada Atlantic Region. We were one of three regions, the other two being Niagara and Toronto.
When Niagara and Toronto decided to join the American Rhododendron Society in the 1980s and RSC ceased being its own organization, the three regions – Atlantic, Niagara, and Toronto – became the 3 chapters in District 12 of the ARS. (There is more to this story but it is probably best forgotten!) District 12 is also referred to as RSC.
In 2003, we formed the Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticulture Society, to reflect the diversity of plant interests among local gardeners and plants people, while maintaining a central interest in rhododendrons and other ericaceous plants. We are a non-profit society registered in Nova Scotia.