Mission and Program
Our Mission Statement:
ARHS supports and promotes the development and exchange of expertise and material relating to the practice of creating and maintaining year-round garden landscapes featuring rhododendrons and other plants.
The Atlantic Rhododendron & Horticultural Society (ARHS) meets on the first Tuesday of the month, from September through May. Meetings from September to April are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Guests are always welcome!
Each meeting features a speaker with a visual presentation. Speakers are generally from Nova Scotia but we also bring in specialists from elsewhere. Topics range from rhododendrons to rock gardens, to companion plants, to soil mixtures and potting techniques, to garden tours and travel, usually followed by a snack and social.
Other membership benefits include:
- A newsletter three times a year (February, May and October), generally around 20 pages and featuring articles, photos, and news.
- Seed and Cuttings Exchanges
- Tissue-cultured rhododendron sale
- Annual pre-ordered sale of 1-gallon plants
- Annual Steele Lecture, featuring a top-notch plants person from ‘away’.
- Annual Pot-Luck Supper
- Annual June Garden Tour
- Occasional Work shops
- Lending Library
- Association with the American Rhododendron Society as the Atlantic Chapter in District 12
- Opportunity to hold joint membership in ARS and ARHS
- Opportunities to contribute to the operation and governance of our various programs , since we are a 100%-volunteer organization