2020 Members Pre-Ordered Plant Sale
We have another beautiful selection of plants for this years order and we encourage members to take advantage of the great opportunity this presents! If you missed Lynn’s presentation at the last meeting you can google individual plants to see pictures!
To access the order form click on this link: http://atlanticrhodo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/2020-ARHS-Plant-Sale-ORDER-FORM-1.pdf
For a list of Dave Veinot’s plant selections: http://atlanticrhodo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Dave-Veinottes-Plant-Descriptions-2020.pdf
Deadline for placing your order with Lynn Rotin is Feb. 23, 2020.
or mail to Lynn Rotin at 726 West Pennant Rd, West Pennant, B3V1M2….BEFORE deadline