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Rhodos Down East: Exploring the Atlantic Region – ARS 2021 Virtual Spring Convention.
June 3, 2021 - June 6, 2021

For full information click this link https://ars2021.org/
June 3-6, 2021
Virtual ARS Spring Convention, hosted by the RSC Atlantic Region chapter
Take advantage of an exciting opportunity to learn about growing, breeding and gardening with Rhododendrons.
Due to the travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 American Rhododendron Society Convention will be offering all the presentations, garden tours and networking opportunities available on line, to anyone who can access the internet!
Due to the latest travel restrictions, the RSC Atlantic Region chapter has cancelled its onsite convention in Nova Scotia (see latest travel restrictions here). There will still be a limited plant sale featuring rare and unusual Rhododendrons propagated especially for this event. Details can be found at ars2021.org
We are extremely fortunate to be able to bring some very celebrated speakers to the virtual convention, who will be addressing different aspects of our theme: Rhodos Down East: Exploring the North Atlantic Region. These will include Ken Cox, rhodo breeder and seasoned plant explorer from Glendoick Nursery, Scotland; Joe Bruso, veteran rhodo breeder from Massachusetts; and Todd Boland, author, educator and all-around horticultural expert, from Newfoundland’s Memorial University Botanical Garden. Well-known plant experts Christina Woodward and Nick Yarmoshuk from Ontario, Philip McDougall an ex-pat Nova Scotian now living in B.C., and Kristian Theqvist of Finland, will also be active participants.
Some very special virtual tours will include the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens and Peggy’s Cove barrens. Virtual networking opportunities will include the Breeder’s Roundtable where you can hear about the latest trends in Rhodo breeding, the ARS Next Generation Project which will show how to involve the next generation in your local ARS club, as well as social events that feature the seafood, cider and wine from our local producers.
To register for the virtual conference
US and International Registration Link
Visit the convention website for full details on programming, deadlines and cost: