2025 American Rhododendron Society Spring Convention
June 5 @ 12:00 pm - June 8 @ 11:00 am
Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Join us in Nova Scotia, Canada for the American Rhododendron Society Convention, “Emerging Trends for Rhododendrons” in Wolfville, a town known for its beauty, food and gardens.
Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to learn about growing, breeding and gardening with rhododendrons. The 2025 American Rhododendron Society Spring Convention will be offering presentations, plant sale, garden tours, and networking opportunities!
Speakers include Dr. Hartwig Schepker of the Rhododendron Park and Botanical Garden in Bremen, Connor Ryan from the Holden Forests and Gardens, Joe Bruso President of the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society and Ron Rabideau, Greater Philadelphia ARS Chapter.
Garden tours will include the Kentville Research Centre as well as private gardens. Networking opportunities will include the Breeder’s Roundtable where you can hear about the latest trends in rhodo breeding, and social events that feature the seafood, cider and wine from our local producers.
To see more of the rhododendron gardens of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick join us for a five day, four night pre convention coach tour of the gardens of Halifax and South Western Nova Scotia and a five day, four night post convention coach tour of gardens in New Brunswick and northern Nova Scotia.
Registration for ARS2025 will open before January 20, 2025.
If you any questions about the event, please send your message to ars2025ns@gmail.com.