arhs Yachts International
arhs Yachts International


RHODODENDRONS (all rhododendrons are elepidotes unless otherwise stated)

Variety Hybridizer Description
Anah Kruschke Kruschke This is a heat tolerant plant with reddish purple flowers that bloom late midseason It has excellent foliage and will grow in full sun. Reaches 6 ft. x 4 ft and is hardy to –23C.
April Song Mezzitt This is one of the best of Mezzitts hybrids. The flowers are blush pink to white and open early in the season. 5’x5’. Hardy.
Boule de Neige Oudieu A tough, reliable and hardy rhodi that has proved its mettle in many parts of the world for decades. Its midseason flowers are pure white. Hardy to –30C. Grows to 4’x 6’.
Bubblegum Briggs Lepidote. A polyploid version of the tried and true standard Weston’s Aglo. This one has larger flowers that make a terrific show against its more substantial foliage.Just as hardy and more showy than ‘Weston’s Aglo”, its hoped that this new lepidote will standard. Size 3’x3’. Hardy to –30C.
Catawbiense Grandiflorum Waterer A very hardy plant with rounded trusses of lilac-purple flowers with a yellow blotch. Blooms late midseason. Grows to 5’x6’. Hardy to -25C.
Dreamland Waterer & Crisp Frilly soft pink flowers with darker edges show up against the dark green foliage in midseason. The new growth is silvery. Compact habit 4’x4’. Hardy to –20C.
Ingrid Mehlquist Mehlquist An exceptional ‘yak” hybrid .In late mid- season clusters of large pink buds open to ball shaped trusses containing 20 or more pure white blooms.The very attractive foliage is deep green and with light indumentum on the underside. Compact, well branched habit. Blooms at a young age. 2’x3’. Hardy to –28C.
yakushiman ‘Mist Maiden” Leach One of the best R yakushimanum selections. It offers bright pink buds and ball shaped trusses of purplish pink flowers that mature to pure white. Silvery new growth. Dark green leaves have fawn indumentum. Blooms mid- season. 5’x5’.Hardy to –25C.
Sapporo Hachmann This Hachmann hybrid has a somewhat compact habit. The flowers open pale purple in late midseason and quickly turns white with a strong purplish- red blotch. Size 5’x5’.Hardy to –23C.
mucronulatum ‘Cornell Pink’ Lepidote. A deciduous rhododendron with clear pink flowers that appear before the leaves. Very early bloomer. The soft green foliage turns yellow and bronze in the fall. AGM winner. 6’x6’.Hardy to –25C.
mucronulatum Alba Lepidote. Another deciduous rhododendron but with white flowers. Hardy to Z5b. Early May bloom. Willowy habit to 8ft. Bright yellow autumn color.
tomentosum “Milky Way” Lepidote. Blooms in early spring with what appears to be a blanket of a million white stars. The distinctive foliage is small and hairy. It used to be classified as the genus Ledum but now belongs to the rhododendron genus. Great plant. Size 3’x3’. Hardy to about –15C. Zone 6b.



Variety Description
Cannon’s Double Pale yellow hose in hose flowers with deep pink veins. Blooms in midseason. The foliage has a soft red color all summer. Open habit. Size 5’x 6’. Hardy to Z5.
Mary Poppins  Nasturtium-red flowers and deep reddish green leaves. Very reliable and disease resistant. Midseason bloomer. 4’x 4’. Very hardy. Z



Variety Hybridizer Description
Corylopsis spicata ‘ Gold Spring’ Aka ‘Aurea’ Corylopsis spicata (winter hazel) is an open, Aka ‘Aurea’ spreading shrub which bears flowers that hang in slender,pendent racemes in the spring before the leaves emerge. This is a new cultivar so we know very little about it but I think it’s safe to say that the flowers are more gold than yellow and that it hardy to Z5. Grows from 6-8 ft.
Hakonechloa macra ‘Beni-kaze’ A very hard to find Japanese selection it forms a flowing mound of green foliage that takes on striking red tones in the fall. The cultivar name can be translated as “red wind” which describes the plant’s autumn look perfectly. 2-3 ft high and wide. Z5.
Kalmia latifolia ‘Galaxy’ Each deeply lobed star shaped bloom is marked with swirling rings of burgundy. Handsome glossy green foliage. Z5 . 4.5’x 3.5’.
Kalmia latifolia ‘Little Linda’ Jaynes A ‘little leaf’ mountain laurel that is red in bud, then turns white maturing pink.Glossy dark green foliage. AGM winner. 3’x 3’. Z5.
Pieris japonica ‘Flaming Silver’ Jaynes A very choice variegated selection. Silver edged foliage is set off by spectacular rosy red new growth. White flowers in early spring. Best in partial shade. Compact habit. AGM winner. 4’x 5’. Zone 5.